Clique em “Concordar e Continuar” com as definições padrão do nosso site, para aceitar os cookies e acessar diretamente o site, loja e/ou plataforma. No ícone ao lado (à direita) você pode ler nossa política na íntegra!
De acordo com a jurisdição do Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Nº 13.709, DE 14 DE AGOSTO DE 2018 ("LGPD"), temos que lhe fazer esse informe e coletar seu aceite. Utilizamos cookies que são necessários ao funcionamento adequado dos sites e conforme as suas preferências, podemos, também, utilizar cookies para melhorar a sua experiência, permitir o início de sessão seguro e memorizar os detalhes de início de sessão, para gerir a sessão, recolher estatísticas, otimizar as funcionalidades do site e oferecer conteúdo adequado aos seus interesses. Respeitamos as preferências definidas por você, tanto aqui como em aplicações específicas onde poderão ser solicitadas preferências de cookies e políticas de privacidade adicionais.
Para oferecer uma boa experiência de navegação, as suas preferências de cookies serão partilhadas com todos os nossos domínios web, onde a finalidade e a utilização dos cookies são as mesmas. Leia os detalhes abaixo para obter uma descrição detalhada dos tipos de cookies.
Clique em “Concordar e continuar” com as definições padrão do nosso site, para aceitar os cookies e acessar diretamente o site e/ou plataforma.
Funcionalidades de cookies:
(a) Informações sobre a empresa e Site: Esta Política de Privacidade traz informações sobre as práticas de privacidade, as escolhas que você pode fazer sobre como suas informações são coletadas on-line, como essas informações são usadas e os seus direitos no caso de o uso deste Site e plataforma dos Sites ser submetido à jurisdição do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados 2016/679 ("RGPD").
Podemos alterar esta Política de Privacidade a qualquer momento, publicando os termos alterados neste Site e plataforma dos Sites. Todos os termos alterados entram em vigor automaticamente na data estabelecida na Política de Privacidade publicada, a menos que seja especificado de outra forma.
(b) Sites cobertos por esta Política de Privacidade: Esta Política de Privacidade se aplica a todos os nossos Sites e plataformas dos Sites e domínios, incluindo todos os Sites e plataformas regionais ou específicos de país (coletivamente designados como "Sites"). Os Sites podem fornecer links para Sites de terceiros para sua conveniência e informação. Ao acessar esses links, você sairá dos Sites. Não controlamos esses Sites ou suas práticas de privacidade, que podem ser diferentes das nossas. Esta Política de Privacidade não engloba os dados pessoais que você decidir fornecer a terceiros. Não monitoramos ou controlamos as informações coletadas por esses Sites ou pelas práticas de privacidade de terceiros, e não somos responsáveis pelas suas práticas ou pelo conteúdo de seus Sites.
(c) Tipos de informação que coletamos e usamos: Nesta política, “informações pessoais” ou “dados pessoais” significam informações sobre um indivíduo identificável que estão sujeitas a proteção legal na jurisdição em que você reside. Em algumas jurisdições, “informações pessoais” ou “dados pessoais” não incluem informações de contato comercial.
Os Sites coletam informações de diversas maneiras e para diferentes propósitos, conforme a seguir. Se optar por se inscrever em qualquer um dos Sites para receber nossas atualizações, gerenciar sua conta, usar nosso portal de autoatendimento e/ou nossa central de acessou ou qualquer outro módulo desta plataforma dos Sites, pediremos que você forneça informações de contato (nome, endereço, número de telefone, endereço de e-mail, um nome de login exclusivo e senha de acesso exclusiva). Usamos essas informações, de acordo com nossos interesses comerciais legítimos, para fornecer nossos serviços e/ou para entrar em contato quanto a serviços pelos quais você tenha manifestado interesse.
Também podemos usar suas informações de contato para enviar informações sobre outros produtos e serviços do grupo, desde que tenhamos o seu consentimento, em conformidade com a legislação aplicável. Se não desejar receber este material continuamente, você pode nos pedir para atualizar suas preferências.
Através dos Sites, você pode encomendar produtos ou serviços, solicitar informações ou se inscrever para receber material de marketing ou de apoio. Para adquirir um produto ou serviço, solicitaremos algumas informações suas que serão usadas para fins de cumprimento do contrato. Você precisará fornecer informações de contato (como nome, e-mail e endereço de entrega) e informações financeiras (como número de cartão de crédito, endereço de cobrança e data de vencimento). As informações financeiras coletadas são usadas apenas para cobrar os produtos e serviços que você comprou.
Se coletarmos suas informações de cartão de crédito, usaremos essas informações apenas para processamento de pagamentos e prevenção de fraudes. Informações de cartão de crédito e outros dados pessoais confidenciais semelhantes não são utilizados para qualquer outra finalidade pelo grupo sem o seu consentimento expresso. Não reteremos suas informações de cartão de crédito após o processamento de um pagamento, a menos que você nos conceda permissão para reter suas informações de cartão de crédito para compras futuras.
Os Sites podem coletar automaticamente informações técnicas sobre a sua visita (como tipo de navegador utilizado, provedor de serviços de Internet, tipo de plataforma dos Sites, endereços de protocolo de internet (IP), páginas de referência/saída, sistema operacional, marcação de data/hora). Reunimos essas informações em relatórios sobre os Sites para analisar tendências, diagnosticar problemas com nosso servidor e administrar os Sites para acompanhar o movimento e tipo de utilização do usuário e reunir uma vasta informação demográfica.
Podemos ser obrigados a compartilhar informações com terceiros em virtude da lei aplicável. Por exemplo, podemos ser obrigados a divulgar informações como resultado de uma ordem judicial, intimação ou mandado. Além disso, em decorrência da lei aplicável, podemos fornecer voluntariamente informações para auxiliar em uma investigação de aplicação da lei ou quando a divulgação for necessária para proteger nossos sistemas, negócios ou os direitos de terceiros.
(d) Comunicações: Depois que você se inscrever, vamos enviar a você um e-mail de boas-vindas para verificar o seu nome de usuário e senha de acesso. Também iremos responder às suas dúvidas, fornecer serviços que você tenha solicitado e administrar sua conta. Você também tem uma área para administrar suas informações em nosso Site e plataforma dos Sites. Nós nos comunicaremos com você por e-mail ou telefone, e faremos todo o possível para privilegiar sua preferência.
De acordo com as preferências de marketing indicadas por você, também enviaremos informações sobre novos produtos, serviços, descontos especiais, promoções e informações gerais. Se não quiser receber estas informações, você pode cancelar o recebimento de futuras comunicações.
Se desejar assinar nossa newsletter, vamos usar o seu nome e endereço de e-mail para enviá-la. Você pode assinar nossa newsletter na página de cadastro e no seu perfil dentro da plataforma dos Sites. Você pode cancelar sua assinatura a qualquer momento.
Quando necessário, enviaremos avisos relacionados ao serviço, que não são de natureza promocional. Se não desejar recebê-los, você pode desativar a sua conta no Site.
(e) Compartilhamento de informações e transferências internacionais: Contratamos prestadores de serviços e fornecedores terceirizados para oferecer produtos, serviços e soluções completos aos clientes conforme descrito acima. Esses fornecedores de serviços podem mudar ou podemos firmar contratos adicionais com outros prestadores de serviços para melhor acomodar as necessidades de nossos clientes. Nossas afiliadas podem fornecer serviços para você ou para sua afiliada local e podem receber dados pessoais sobre você. Se transferirmos seus dados pessoais a afiliadas ou terceiros, solicitamos aos destinatários dos seus dados pessoais que protejam seus dados pessoais usando procedimentos administrativos, técnicos e de segurança; no entanto, os seus dados pessoais também estarão sujeitos às leis da jurisdição que regem nossa afiliada ou terceiros.
(f) Cookies e outros marcadores digitais: Coletamos informações automaticamente através do uso de cookies e outros marcadores digitais. Cookies e marcadores digitais são pequenos arquivos de computador, que podem ser armazenados no disco rígido do seu computador ou incorporados em nossas páginas do Site, que nos permitem identificá-lo e rastrear sua visita no Site. Por exemplo, quando você faz um pedido, usamos cookies no processo de pagamento para acompanhar seu pedido conforme você passa por cada etapa do processo de compra. Podemos usar os serviços de terceiros para coletar e processar informações pessoais por meio do uso de cookies e outros marcadores digitais em nosso nome. Você pode desativar os cookies no seu computador alterando as configurações no menu de preferências ou nas opções do seu navegador. Ao optar por desativar os cookies, você poderá não ser capaz de acessar certas áreas do Site.
(g) Privacidade das crianças: O grupo está comprometido em proteger a privacidade das crianças e incentiva pais e responsáveis a terem um papel ativo nos interesses e atividades on-line dos seus filhos. O grupo não coleta intencionalmente informações de crianças com menos de 13 anos de idade e não tem como público-alvo de seus Sites menores de 13 anos.
(h) Suas opções e cancelamento: Damos a você a opção de receber uma variedade de informações que complementam nossos produtos e serviços. No seu perfil na plataforma dos Sites, você está inscrito para receber informações específicas de produtos e serviços, além de comunicações de marketing de todo o grupo. Tais comunicações podem incluir informações sobre novos produtos, ofertas especiais ou um convite para participar de uma pesquisa de mercado.
Se não quiser mais receber a nossa newsletter e/ou comunicados promocionais, você pode cancelar o recebimento deles seguindo as instruções incluídas em cada newsletter ou comunicado, ou entrando em contato conosco.
(i) Acesso e precisão de suas informações e outros direitos: Em certas jurisdições, principalmente na UE e no Reino Unido, você tem direito a: solicitar uma cópia de suas informações pessoais; pedir para corrigir, excluir, restringir ou interromper qualquer processamento ativo de seus dados pessoais e obter os dados pessoais que você nos forneceu para um contrato ou com o seu consentimento e pedir para compartilhar (transferir) esses dados com outro controlador de dados; opor-se ao processamento de suas informações pessoais por nós em algumas circunstâncias (especificamente quando não tivermos que processar os dados para atender a um requisito contratual ou outro requisito legal, ou quando estivermos usando os dados para marketing direto). Esses direitos podem ser limitados, por exemplo, se o preenchimento de sua solicitação revelar dados pessoais sobre outra pessoa ou violar os direitos de privacidade de outras pessoas, ou se você nos solicitar a exclusão de informações que somos obrigados a manter ou temos interesses legítimos em manter. Para exercer qualquer um desses direitos, entre em contato conosco. Se tiver preocupações não solucionadas, você tem o direito de fazer uma reclamação para a autoridade supervisora de proteção de dados do local onde você mora, trabalha ou onde acredita que uma violação possa ter ocorrido.
(j) Mantendo suas informações seguras: Não asseguramos ou garantimos a segurança dos servidores nem podemos garantir que as informações que você fornecer através do Site não serão interceptadas enquanto estiverem sendo transmitidas pela Internet. Seguimos os padrões técnicos geralmente aceitos pela indústria para proteger os dados pessoais enviados, tanto durante a transmissão bem como após a recepção. Quando você digita informações confidenciais (como dados de cartões de crédito) nos nossos formulários de registro ou de pedidos, essas informações são criptografadas usando tecnologia segura (secured socket layer).
Quando processamos informações pessoais para fins de marketing ou com o seu consentimento, processamos os dados até que você nos peça para parar e por um curto período depois disso (para permitir que implementemos suas solicitações). Também mantemos um registro do fato de que você nos pediu para não enviar marketing direto ou processar seus dados indefinidamente, para que possamos respeitar sua solicitação no futuro. Quando processamos informações pessoais ligadas à realização de um contrato ou serviço ou para uma concorrência, mantemos as informações por seis anos (exceto informações financeiras, as quais mantemos por dez anos) a partir de sua última interação conosco.
(k) Transições comerciais: Caso passemos por uma transição comercial, como uma fusão, aquisição por outra empresa ou venda de todos ou parte dos ativos, as suas informações pessoais provavelmente farão parte dos ativos transferidos.
(l) Termos e Condições: Se optar por acessar nossos Sites, sua visita e qualquer litígio sobre privacidade estão sujeitos a esta Política de Privacidade e aos nossos Termos e Condições, incluindo, mas não limitado a exoneração de garantia, limitações de responsabilidade e arbitragem de litígios. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre o uso de seus dados, envie um e-mail para nós.
Com esta "moda" de domínios curtos, saber as extensões de domínio de todo o mundo, ajuda muito na hora de criar um domínio adequado e curto para sus empresa ou negócio.
O IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) é a entidade que mantém uma lista on line de todas as extensões de domínios de todo o mundo, organizadas em ordem alfabética.
Segue abaixo a lista ou você pode ir até a página para checar as extensões disponíveis para registro e também as informações de cada extensão disponível.
Segue abaixo a lista atualizada em 22/06/2017.
.aaa | generic | American Automobile Association, Inc. |
.aarp | generic | AARP |
.abarth | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.abb | generic | ABB Ltd |
.abbott | generic | Abbott Laboratories, Inc. |
.abbvie | generic | AbbVie Inc. |
.abc | generic | Disney Enterprises, Inc. |
.able | generic | Able Inc. |
.abogado | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.abudhabi | generic | Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre |
.ac | country-code | Network Information Center (AC Domain Registry) c/o Cable and Wireless (Ascension Island) |
.academy | generic | Half Oaks, LLC |
.accenture | generic | Accenture plc |
.accountant | generic | dot Accountant Limited |
.accountants | generic | Knob Town, LLC |
.aco | generic | ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG |
.active | generic | Active Network, LLC |
.actor | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.ad | country-code | Andorra Telecom |
.adac | generic | Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC) |
.ads | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.adult | generic | ICM Registry AD LLC |
.ae | country-code | Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.aeg | generic | Aktiebolaget Electrolux |
.aero | sponsored | Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautique (SITA INC USA) |
.aetna | generic | Aetna Life Insurance Company |
.af | country-code | Ministry of Communications and IT |
.afamilycompany | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.afl | generic | Australian Football League |
.africa | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as Registry.Africa |
.ag | country-code | UHSA School of Medicine |
.agakhan | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) |
.agency | generic | Steel Falls, LLC |
.ai | country-code | Government of Anguilla |
.aig | generic | American International Group, Inc. |
.aigo | generic | aigo Digital Technology Co,Ltd. |
.airbus | generic | Airbus S.A.S. |
.airforce | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.airtel | generic | Bharti Airtel Limited |
.akdn | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) |
.al | country-code | Electronic and Postal Communications Authority - AKEP |
.alfaromeo | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.alibaba | generic | Alibaba Group Holding Limited |
.alipay | generic | Alibaba Group Holding Limited |
.allfinanz | generic | Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft |
.allstate | generic | Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company |
.ally | generic | Ally Financial Inc. |
.alsace | generic | REGION GRAND EST |
.alstom | generic | ALSTOM |
.am | country-code | "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization |
.americanexpress | generic | American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. |
.americanfamily | generic | AmFam, Inc. |
.amex | generic | American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. |
.amfam | generic | AmFam, Inc. |
.amica | generic | Amica Mutual Insurance Company |
.amsterdam | generic | Gemeente Amsterdam |
.an | country-code | Retired |
.analytics | generic | Campus IP LLC |
.android | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.anquan | generic | QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. |
.anz | generic | Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited |
.ao | country-code | Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Agostinho Neto |
.aol | generic | AOL Inc. |
.apartments | generic | June Maple, LLC |
.app | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.apple | generic | Apple Inc. |
.aq | country-code | Antarctica Network Information Centre Limited |
.aquarelle | generic | |
.ar | country-code | Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica |
.arab | generic | League of Arab States |
.aramco | generic | Aramco Services Company |
.archi | generic | STARTING DOT LIMITED |
.army | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.arpa | infrastructure | Internet Architecture Board (IAB) |
.art | generic | UK Creative Ideas Limited |
.arte | generic | Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne G.E.I.E. |
.as | country-code | AS Domain Registry |
.asda | generic | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
.asia | sponsored | DotAsia Organisation Ltd. |
.associates | generic | Baxter Hill, LLC |
.at | country-code | GmbH |
.athleta | generic | The Gap, Inc. |
.attorney | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.au | country-code | .au Domain Administration (auDA) |
.auction | generic | United TLD HoldCo, Ltd. |
.audi | generic | AUDI Aktiengesellschaft |
.audible | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.audio | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.auspost | generic | Australian Postal Corporation |
.author | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.auto | generic | Cars Registry Limited |
.autos | generic | DERAutos, LLC |
.avianca | generic | Aerovias del Continente Americano S.A. Avianca |
.aw | country-code | SETAR |
.aws | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.ax | country-code | Ålands landskapsregering |
.axa | generic | AXA SA |
.az | country-code | IntraNS |
.azure | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.ba | country-code | Universtiy Telinformatic Centre (UTIC) |
.baby | generic | Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. |
.baidu | generic | Baidu, Inc. |
.banamex | generic | Citigroup Inc. |
.bananarepublic | generic | The Gap, Inc. |
.band | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.bank | generic | fTLD Registry Services, LLC |
.bar | generic | Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable |
.barcelona | generic | Municipi de Barcelona |
.barclaycard | generic | Barclays Bank PLC |
.barclays | generic | Barclays Bank PLC |
.barefoot | generic | Gallo Vineyards, Inc. |
.bargains | generic | Half Hallow, LLC |
.baseball | generic | MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC |
.basketball | generic | Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) |
.bauhaus | generic | Werkhaus GmbH |
.bayern | generic | Bayern Connect GmbH |
.bb | country-code | Government of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit |
.bbc | generic | British Broadcasting Corporation |
.bbt | generic | BB&T Corporation |
.bcg | generic | The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. |
.bcn | generic | Municipi de Barcelona |
.bd | country-code | Posts and Telecommunications Division |
.be | country-code | DNS Belgium vzw/asbl |
.beats | generic | Beats Electronics, LLC |
.beauty | generic | L´Oréal |
.beer | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.bentley | generic | Bentley Motors Limited |
.berlin | generic | dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG |
.best | generic | BestTLD Pty Ltd |
.bestbuy | generic | BBY Solutions, Inc. |
.bet | generic | Afilias plc |
.bf | country-code | ARCE-AutoritÈ de RÈgulation des Communications Electroniques |
.bg | country-code | Register.BG |
.bh | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.bharti | generic | Bharti Enterprises (Holding) Private Limited |
.bi | country-code | Centre National de l´Informatique |
.bible | generic | American Bible Society |
.bid | generic | dot Bid Limited |
.bike | generic | Grand Hollow, LLC |
.bing | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.bingo | generic | Sand Cedar, LLC |
.bio | generic | STARTING DOT LIMITED |
.biz | generic-restricted | Neustar, Inc. |
.bj | country-code | Benin Telecoms S.A. |
.bl | country-code | Not assigned |
.black | generic | Afilias plc |
.blackfriday | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.blanco | generic | BLANCO GmbH + Co KG |
.blockbuster | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.blog | generic | Knock Knock WHOIS There, LLC |
.bloomberg | generic | Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC |
.blue | generic | Afilias plc |
.bm | country-code | Registry General Department, Ministry of Home Affairs |
.bms | generic | Bristol-Myers Squibb Company |
.bmw | generic | Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft |
.bn | country-code | Brunei Darussalam Network Information Centre Sdn Bhd (BNNIC) |
.bnl | generic | Banca Nazionale del Lavoro |
.bnpparibas | generic | BNP Paribas |
.bo | country-code | Agencia para el Desarrollo de la Información de la Sociedad en Bolivia |
.boats | generic | DERBoats, LLC |
.boehringer | generic | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH |
.bofa | generic | NMS Services, Inc. |
.bom | generic | Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - |
.bond | generic | Bond University Limited |
.boo | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.book | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.booking | generic | B.V. |
.boots | generic | THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC |
.bosch | generic | Robert Bosch GMBH |
.bostik | generic | Bostik SA |
.boston | generic | Boston TLD Management, LLC |
.bot | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.boutique | generic | Over Galley, LLC |
.box | generic | NS1 Limited |
.bq | country-code | Not assigned |
.br | country-code | Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil |
.bradesco | generic | Banco Bradesco S.A. |
.bridgestone | generic | Bridgestone Corporation |
.broadway | generic | Celebrate Broadway, Inc. |
.broker | generic | DOTBROKER REGISTRY LTD |
.brother | generic | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
.brussels | generic | vzw |
.bs | country-code | The College of the Bahamas |
.bt | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications |
.budapest | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.bugatti | generic | Bugatti International SA |
.build | generic | Plan Bee LLC |
.builders | generic | Atomic Madison, LLC |
.business | generic | Spring Cross, LLC |
.buy | generic | Amazon Registry Services, INC |
.buzz | generic | DOTSTRATEGY CO. |
.bv | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.bw | country-code | Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) |
.by | country-code | Reliable Software, Ltd. |
.bz | country-code | University of Belize |
.bzh | generic | Association |
.ca | country-code | Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Autorité Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet (ACEI) |
.cab | generic | Half Sunset, LLC |
.cafe | generic | Pioneer Canyon, LLC |
.cal | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.call | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.calvinklein | generic | PVH gTLD Holdings LLC |
.cam | generic | AC Webconnecting Holding B.V. |
.camera | generic | Atomic Maple, LLC |
.camp | generic | Delta Dynamite, LLC |
.cancerresearch | generic | Australian Cancer Research Foundation |
.canon | generic | Canon Inc. |
.capetown | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.capital | generic | Delta Mill, LLC |
.capitalone | generic | Capital One Financial Corporation |
.car | generic | Cars Registry Limited |
.caravan | generic | Caravan International, Inc. |
.cards | generic | Foggy Hollow, LLC |
.care | generic | Goose Cross, LLC |
.career | generic | dotCareer LLC |
.careers | generic | Wild Corner, LLC |
.cars | generic | Cars Registry Limited |
.cartier | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.casa | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.case | generic | CNH Industrial N.V. |
.caseih | generic | CNH Industrial N.V. |
.cash | generic | Delta Lake, LLC |
.casino | generic | Binky Sky, LLC |
.cat | sponsored | Fundacio puntCAT |
.catering | generic | New Falls. LLC |
.catholic | generic | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) |
.cbn | generic | The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
.cbre | generic | CBRE, Inc. |
.cbs | generic | CBS Domains Inc. |
.cc | country-code | eNIC Cocos (Keeling) Islands Pty. Ltd. d/b/a Island Internet Services |
.cd | country-code | Office Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications - OCPT |
.ceb | generic | The Corporate Executive Board Company |
.center | generic | Tin Mill, LLC |
.ceo | generic | CEOTLD Pty Ltd |
.cern | generic | European Organization for Nuclear Research ("CERN") |
.cf | country-code | Societe Centrafricaine de Telecommunications (SOCATEL) |
.cfa | generic | CFA Institute |
.cfd | generic | DOTCFD REGISTRY LTD |
.cg | country-code | ONPT Congo and Interpoint Switzerland |
.ch | country-code | SWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network |
.chanel | generic | Chanel International B.V. |
.channel | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.chase | generic | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association |
.chat | generic | Sand Fields, LLC |
.cheap | generic | Sand Cover, LLC |
.chintai | generic | CHINTAI Corporation |
.chloe | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.christmas | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.chrome | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.chrysler | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.church | generic | Holly Fileds, LLC |
.ci | country-code | INP-HB Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny |
.cipriani | generic | Hotel Cipriani Srl |
.circle | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.cisco | generic | Cisco Technology, Inc. |
.citadel | generic | Citadel Domain LLC |
.citi | generic | Citigroup Inc. |
.citic | generic | CITIC Group Corporation |
.city | generic | Snow Sky, LLC |
.cityeats | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.ck | country-code | Telecom Cook Islands Ltd. |
.cl | country-code | NIC Chile (University of Chile) |
.claims | generic | Black Corner, LLC |
.cleaning | generic | Fox Shadow, LLC |
.click | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.clinic | generic | Goose Park, LLC |
.clinique | generic | The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. |
.clothing | generic | Steel Lake, LLC |
.cloud | generic | ARUBA PEC S.p.A. |
.club | generic | .CLUB DOMAINS, LLC |
.clubmed | generic | Club Méditerranée S.A. |
.cm | country-code | Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) |
.cn | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) |
.co | country-code | .CO Internet S.A.S. |
.coach | generic | Koko Island, LLC |
.codes | generic | Puff Willow, LLC |
.coffee | generic | Trixy Cover, LLC |
.college | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.cologne | generic | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH |
.com | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.comcast | generic | Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC |
.commbank | generic | COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA |
.community | generic | Fox Orchard, LLC |
.company | generic | Silver Avenue, LLC |
.compare | generic | iSelect Ltd |
.computer | generic | Pine Mill, LLC |
.comsec | generic | VeriSign, Inc. |
.condos | generic | Pine House, LLC |
.construction | generic | Fox Dynamite, LLC |
.consulting | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.contact | generic | Top Level Spectrum, Inc. |
.contractors | generic | Magic Woods, LLC |
.cooking | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.cookingchannel | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.cool | generic | Koko Lake, LLC |
.coop | sponsored | DotCooperation LLC |
.corsica | generic | Collectivité Territoriale de Corse |
.country | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.coupon | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.coupons | generic | Black Island, LLC |
.cr | country-code | National Academy of Sciences Academia Nacional de Ciencias |
.credit | generic | Snow Shadow, LLC |
.creditcard | generic | Binky Frostbite, LLC |
.creditunion | generic | CUNA Performance Resources, LLC |
.cricket | generic | dot Cricket Limited |
.crown | generic | Crown Equipment Corporation |
.crs | generic | Federated Co-operatives Limited |
.cruise | generic | Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd. |
.cruises | generic | Spring Way, LLC |
.csc | generic | Alliance-One Services, Inc. |
.cu | country-code | CENIAInternet Industria y San Jose Capitolio Nacional |
.cuisinella | generic | SALM S.A.S. |
.cv | country-code | Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC) |
.cw | country-code | University of Curacao |
.cx | country-code | Christmas Island Domain Administration Limited |
.cy | country-code | University of Cyprus |
.cymru | generic | Nominet UK |
.cyou | generic | Beijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd. |
.cz | country-code | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o |
.dabur | generic | Dabur India Limited |
.dad | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dance | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.data | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.date | generic | dot Date Limited |
.dating | generic | Pine Fest, LLC |
.datsun | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.day | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dclk | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dds | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.de | country-code | DENIC eG |
.deal | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.dealer | generic | Dealer Dot Com, Inc. |
.deals | generic | Sand Sunset, LLC |
.degree | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.delivery | generic | Steel Station, LLC |
.dell | generic | Dell Inc. |
.deloitte | generic | Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu |
.delta | generic | Delta Air Lines, Inc. |
.democrat | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.dental | generic | Tin Birch, LLC |
.dentist | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.desi | generic | Desi Networks LLC |
.design | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.dev | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dhl | generic | Deutsche Post AG |
.diamonds | generic | John Edge, LLC |
.diet | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.digital | generic | Dash Park, LLC |
.direct | generic | Half Trail, LLC |
.directory | generic | Extra Madison, LLC |
.discount | generic | Holly Hill, LLC |
.discover | generic | Discover Financial Services |
.dish | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.diy | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.dj | country-code | Djibouti Telecom S.A |
.dk | country-code | Dansk Internet Forum |
.dm | country-code | DotDM Corporation |
.dnp | generic | Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. |
.do | country-code | Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Recinto Santo Tomas de Aquino |
.docs | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.doctor | generic | Brice Trail, LLC |
.dodge | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.dog | generic | Koko Mill, LLC |
.doha | generic | Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) |
.domains | generic | Sugar Cross, LLC |
.doosan | generic | Retired |
.dot | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.download | generic | dot Support Limited |
.drive | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.dtv | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.dubai | generic | Dubai Smart Government Department |
.duck | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.dunlop | generic | The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company |
.duns | generic | The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation |
.dupont | generic | E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company |
.durban | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.dvag | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.dvr | generic | Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation |
.dz | country-code | CERIST |
.earth | generic | Interlink Co., Ltd. |
.eat | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ec | country-code | NIC.EC (NICEC) S.A. |
.eco | generic | Big Room Inc. |
.edeka | generic | EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V. |
.edu | sponsored | EDUCAUSE |
.education | generic | Brice Way, LLC |
.ee | country-code | Eesti Interneti Sihtasutus (EIS) |
.eg | country-code | Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) Supreme Council of Universities |
.eh | country-code | Not assigned |
generic | Spring Madison, LLC | |
.emerck | generic | Merck KGaA |
.energy | generic | Binky Birch, LLC |
.engineer | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.engineering | generic | Romeo Canyon |
.enterprises | generic | Snow Oaks, LLC |
.epost | generic | Deutsche Post AG |
.epson | generic | Seiko Epson Corporation |
.equipment | generic | Corn Station, LLC |
.er | country-code | Eritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel) |
.ericsson | generic | Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson |
.erni | generic | ERNI Group Holding AG |
.es | country-code | |
.esq | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.estate | generic | Trixy Park, LLC |
.esurance | generic | Esurance Insurance Company |
.et | country-code | Ethio telecom |
.etisalat | generic | Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat) |
.eu | country-code | EURid vzw/asbl |
.eurovision | generic | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) |
.eus | generic | Puntueus Fundazioa |
.events | generic | Pioneer Maple, LLC |
.everbank | generic | EverBank |
.exchange | generic | Spring Falls, LLC |
.expert | generic | Magic Pass, LLC |
.exposed | generic | Victor Beach, LLC |
.express | generic | Sea Sunset, LLC |
.extraspace | generic | Extra Space Storage LLC |
.fage | generic | Fage International S.A. |
.fail | generic | Atomic Pipe, LLC |
.fairwinds | generic | FairWinds Partners, LLC |
.faith | generic | dot Faith Limited |
.family | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.fan | generic | Asiamix Digital Ltd |
.fans | generic | Asiamix Digital Limited |
.farm | generic | Just Maple, LLC |
.farmers | generic | Farmers Insurance Exchange |
.fashion | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.fast | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.fedex | generic | Federal Express Corporation |
.feedback | generic | Top Level Spectrum, Inc. |
.ferrari | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.ferrero | generic | Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. |
.fi | country-code | Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority |
.fiat | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.fidelity | generic | Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC |
.fido | generic | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. |
.film | generic | Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd |
.final | generic | Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - |
.finance | generic | Cotton Cypress, LLC |
.financial | generic | Just Cover, LLC |
.fire | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.firestone | generic | Bridgestone Licensing Services, Inc. |
.firmdale | generic | Firmdale Holdings Limited |
.fish | generic | Fox Woods, LLC |
.fishing | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.fit | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.fitness | generic | Brice Orchard, LLC |
.fj | country-code | The University of the South Pacific IT Services |
.fk | country-code | Falkland Islands Government |
.flickr | generic | Yahoo! Domain Services Inc. |
.flights | generic | Fox Station, LLC |
.flir | generic | FLIR Systems, Inc. |
.florist | generic | Half Cypress, LLC |
.flowers | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.flsmidth | generic | Retired |
.fly | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.fm | country-code | FSM Telecommunications Corporation |
.fo | country-code | FO Council |
.foo | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.food | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.foodnetwork | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.football | generic | Foggy Farms, LLC |
.ford | generic | Ford Motor Company |
.forex | generic | DOTFOREX REGISTRY LTD |
.forsale | generic | United TLD Holdco, LLC |
.forum | generic | Fegistry, LLC |
.foundation | generic | John Dale, LLC |
.fox | generic | FOX Registry, LLC |
.fr | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.free | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.fresenius | generic | Fresenius Immobilien-Verwaltungs-GmbH |
.frl | generic | FRLregistry B.V. |
.frogans | generic | OP3FT |
.frontdoor | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.frontier | generic | Frontier Communications Corporation |
.ftr | generic | Frontier Communications Corporation |
.fujitsu | generic | Fujitsu Limited |
.fujixerox | generic | Xerox DNHC LLC |
.fun | generic | DotSpace, Inc. |
.fund | generic | John Castle, LLC |
.furniture | generic | Lone Fields, LLC |
.futbol | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd. |
.fyi | generic | Silver Tigers, LLC |
.ga | country-code | Agence Nationale des Infrastructures Numériques et des Fréquences (ANINF) |
.gal | generic | Asociación puntoGAL |
.gallery | generic | Sugar House, LLC |
.gallo | generic | Gallo Vineyards, Inc. |
.gallup | generic | Gallup, Inc. |
.game | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.games | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.gap | generic | The Gap, Inc. |
.garden | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.gb | country-code | Reserved Domain - IANA |
.gbiz | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.gd | country-code | The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) |
.gdn | generic | Joint Stock Company "Navigation-information systems" |
.ge | country-code | Caucasus Online |
.gea | generic | GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft |
.gent | generic | Combell nv |
.genting | generic | Resorts World Inc. Pte. Ltd. |
.george | generic | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
.gf | country-code | Net Plus |
.gg | country-code | Island Networks Ltd. |
.ggee | generic | GMO Internet, Inc. |
.gh | country-code | Network Computer Systems Limited |
.gi | country-code | Sapphire Networks |
.gift | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.gifts | generic | Goose Sky, LLC |
.gives | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.giving | generic | Giving Limited |
.gl | country-code | TELE Greenland A/S |
.glade | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.glass | generic | Black Cover, LLC |
.gle | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.global | generic | Dot Global Domain Registry Limited |
.globo | generic | Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A |
.gm | country-code | GM-NIC |
.gmail | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.gmbh | generic | Extra Dynamite, LLC |
.gmo | generic | GMO Internet, Inc. |
.gmx | generic | 1&1 Mail & Media GmbH |
.gn | country-code | Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura |
.godaddy | generic | Go Daddy East, LLC |
.gold | generic | June Edge, LLC |
.goldpoint | generic | YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD. |
.golf | generic | Lone Falls, LLC |
.goo | generic | NTT Resonant Inc. |
.goodhands | generic | Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company |
.goodyear | generic | The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company |
.goog | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. | |
.gop | generic | Republican State Leadership Committee, Inc. |
.got | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.gov | sponsored | General Services Administration Attn: QTDC, 2E08 (.gov Domain Registration) |
.gp | country-code | Networking Technologies Group |
.gq | country-code | GETESA |
.gr | country-code | ICS-FORTH GR |
.grainger | generic | Grainger Registry Services, LLC |
.graphics | generic | Over Madison, LLC |
.gratis | generic | Pioneer Tigers, LLC |
.green | generic | DotGreen Registry Limited |
.gripe | generic | Corn Sunset, LLC |
.group | generic | Romeo Town, LLC |
.gs | country-code | Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) |
.gt | country-code | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala |
.gu | country-code | University of Guam |
.guardian | generic | The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America |
.gucci | generic | Guccio Gucci S.p.a. |
.guge | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.guide | generic | Snow Moon, LLC |
.guitars | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.guru | generic | Pioneer Cypress, LLC |
.gw | country-code | Autoridade Reguladora Nacional - Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação da Guiné-Bissau |
.gy | country-code | University of Guyana |
.hair | generic | L´Oreal |
.hamburg | generic | Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH |
.hangout | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.haus | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.hbo | generic | HBO Registry Services, Inc. |
.hdfcbank | generic | HDFC Bank Limited |
.health | generic | DotHealth, LLC |
.healthcare | generic | Silver Glen, LLC |
.help | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.helsinki | generic | City of Helsinki |
.here | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.hermes | generic | Hermes International |
.hgtv | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.hiphop | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.hisamitsu | generic | Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.,Inc. |
.hitachi | generic | Hitachi, Ltd. |
.hiv | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.hk | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.hkt | generic | PCCW-HKT DataCom Services Limited |
.hm | country-code | HM Domain Registry |
.hn | country-code | Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras |
.hockey | generic | Half Willow, LLC |
.holdings | generic | John Madison, LLC |
.holiday | generic | Goose Woods, LLC |
.homedepot | generic | Home Depot Product Authority, LLC |
.homegoods | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.homes | generic | DERHomes, LLC |
.homesense | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.honda | generic | Honda Motor Co., Ltd. |
.honeywell | generic | Honeywell GTLD LLC |
.horse | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.hospital | generic | Ruby Pike, LLC |
.host | generic | DotHost Inc. |
.hosting | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.hot | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.hoteles | generic | Travel Reservations SRL |
.hotels | generic | B.V. |
.hotmail | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.house | generic | Sugar Park, LLC |
.how | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.hr | country-code | CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network |
.hsbc | generic | HSBC Global Services (UK) Limited |
.ht | country-code | Consortium FDS/RDDH |
.htc | generic | HTC corporation |
.hu | country-code | Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP) |
.hughes | generic | Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation |
.hyatt | generic | Hyatt GTLD, L.L.C. |
.hyundai | generic | Hyundai Motor Company |
.ibm | generic | International Business Machines Corporation |
.icbc | generic | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited |
.ice | generic | IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. |
.icu | generic | A/S |
.id | country-code | Perkumpulan Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI) |
.ie | country-code | University College Dublin Computing Services Computer Centre |
.ieee | generic | IEEE Global LLC |
.ifm | generic | ifm electronic gmbh |
.iinet | generic | Retired |
.ikano | generic | Ikano S.A. |
.il | country-code | Internet Society of Israel |
.im | country-code | Isle of Man Government |
.imamat | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) |
.imdb | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.immo | generic | Auburn Bloom, LLC |
.immobilien | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.in | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.industries | generic | Outer House, LLC |
.infiniti | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.info | generic | Afilias Limited |
.ing | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ink | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.institute | generic | Outer Maple, LLC |
.insurance | generic | fTLD Registry Services LLC |
.insure | generic | Pioneer Willow, LLC |
.int | sponsored | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.intel | generic | Intel Corporation |
.international | generic | Wild Way, LLC |
.intuit | generic | Intuit Administrative Services, Inc. |
.investments | generic | Holly Glen, LLC |
.io | country-code | IO Top Level Domain Registry Cable and Wireless |
.ipiranga | generic | Ipiranga Produtos de Petroleo S.A. |
.iq | country-code | Communications and Media Commission (CMC) |
.ir | country-code | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences |
.irish | generic | Tin Mill LLC |
.is | country-code | ISNIC - Internet Iceland ltd. |
.iselect | generic | iSelect Ltd |
.ismaili | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) |
.ist | generic | Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality |
.istanbul | generic | Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality |
.it | country-code | IIT - CNR |
.itau | generic | Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. |
.itv | generic | ITV Services Limited |
.iveco | generic | CNH Industrial N.V. |
.iwc | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.jaguar | generic | Jaguar Land Rover Ltd |
.java | generic | Oracle Corporation |
.jcb | generic | JCB Co., Ltd. |
.jcp | generic | JCP Media, Inc. |
.je | country-code | Island Networks (Jersey) Ltd. |
.jeep | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.jetzt | generic | Wild Frostbite, LLC |
.jewelry | generic | Wild Bloom, LLC |
.jio | generic | Affinity Names, Inc. |
.jlc | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.jll | generic | Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated |
.jm | country-code | University of West Indies |
.jmp | generic | Matrix IP LLC |
.jnj | generic | Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. |
.jo | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.jobs | sponsored | Employ Media LLC |
.joburg | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry |
.jot | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.joy | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.jp | country-code | Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. |
.jpmorgan | generic | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association |
.jprs | generic | Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. |
.juegos | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.juniper | generic | JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC. |
.kaufen | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.kddi | generic | KDDI CORPORATION |
.ke | country-code | Kenya Network Information Center (KeNIC) |
.kerryhotels | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.kerrylogistics | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.kerryproperties | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.kfh | generic | Kuwait Finance House |
.kg | country-code | AsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise |
.kh | country-code | Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) |
.ki | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Tourism Development |
.kia | generic | KIA MOTORS CORPORATION |
.kim | generic | Afilias plc |
.kinder | generic | Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. |
.kindle | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.kitchen | generic | Just Goodbye, LLC |
.kiwi | generic | DOT KIWI LIMITED |
.km | country-code | Comores Telecom |
.kn | country-code | Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology |
.koeln | generic | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH |
.komatsu | generic | Komatsu Ltd. |
.kosher | generic | Kosher Marketing Assets LLC |
.kp | country-code | Star Joint Venture Company |
.kpmg | generic | KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International Genossenschaft) |
.kpn | generic | Koninklijke KPN N.V. |
.kr | country-code | Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) |
.krd | generic | KRG Department of Information Technology |
.kred | generic | KredTLD Pty Ltd |
.kuokgroup | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.kw | country-code | Ministry of Communications |
.ky | country-code | The Information and Communications Technology Authority |
.kyoto | generic | Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen |
.kz | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.la | country-code | Lao National Internet Committee (LANIC), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications |
.ladbrokes | generic | LADBROKES INTERNATIONAL PLC |
.lamborghini | generic | Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. |
.lamer | generic | The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. |
.lancaster | generic | LANCASTER |
.lancia | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.lancome | generic | L´Oréal |
.land | generic | Pine Moon, LLC |
.landrover | generic | Jaguar Land Rover Ltd |
.lanxess | generic | LANXESS Corporation |
.lasalle | generic | Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated |
.lat | generic | ECOM-LAC Federación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico |
.latino | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.latrobe | generic | La Trobe University |
.law | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.lawyer | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.lb | country-code | American University of Beirut Computing and Networking Services |
.lc | country-code | University of Puerto Rico |
.lds | generic | IRI Domain Management, LLC |
.lease | generic | Victor Trail, LLC |
.leclerc | generic | A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc |
.lefrak | generic | LeFrak Organization, Inc. |
.legal | generic | Blue Falls, LLC |
.lego | generic | LEGO Juris A/S |
.lexus | generic | TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION |
.lgbt | generic | Afilias plc |
.li | country-code | SWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network |
.liaison | generic | Liaison Technologies, Incorporated |
.lidl | generic | Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG |
.life | generic | Trixy Oaks, LLC |
.lifeinsurance | generic | American Council of Life Insurers |
.lifestyle | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.lighting | generic | John McCook, LLC |
.like | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.lilly | generic | Eli Lilly and Company |
.limited | generic | Big Fest, LLC |
.limo | generic | Hidden Frostbite, LLC |
.lincoln | generic | Ford Motor Company |
.linde | generic | Linde Aktiengesellschaft |
.link | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.lipsy | generic | Lipsy Ltd |
.live | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.living | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.lixil | generic | LIXIL Group Corporation |
.lk | country-code | Council for Information Technology LK Domain Registrar |
.loan | generic | dot Loan Limited |
.loans | generic | June Woods, LLC |
.locker | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.locus | generic | Locus Analytics LLC |
.loft | generic | Annco, Inc. |
.lol | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.london | generic | Dot London Domains Limited |
.lotte | generic | Lotte Holdings Co., Ltd. |
.lotto | generic | Afilias plc |
.love | generic | Merchant Law Group LLP |
.lpl | generic | LPL Holdings, Inc. |
.lplfinancial | generic | LPL Holdings, Inc. |
.lr | country-code | Data Technology Solutions, Inc. |
.ls | country-code | National University of Lesotho |
.lt | country-code | Kaunas University of Technology |
.ltd | generic | Over Corner, LLC |
.ltda | generic | InterNetX Corp. |
.lu | country-code | RESTENA |
.lundbeck | generic | H. Lundbeck A/S |
.lupin | generic | LUPIN LIMITED |
.luxe | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.luxury | generic | Luxury Partners LLC |
.lv | country-code | University of Latvia Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Network Solutions (DNS) |
.ly | country-code | General Post and Telecommunication Company |
.ma | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.macys | generic | Macys, Inc. |
.madrid | generic | Comunidad de Madrid |
.maif | generic | Mutuelle Assurance Instituteur France (MAIF) |
.maison | generic | Victor Frostbite, LLC |
.makeup | generic | L´Oréal |
.man | generic | MAN SE |
.management | generic | John Goodbye, LLC |
.mango | generic | PUNTO FA S.L. |
.market | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.marketing | generic | Fern Pass, LLC |
.markets | generic | DOTMARKETS REGISTRY LTD |
.marriott | generic | Marriott Worldwide Corporation |
.marshalls | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.maserati | generic | Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. |
.mattel | generic | Mattel Sites, Inc. |
.mba | generic | Lone Hollow, LLC |
.mc | country-code | Gouvernement de Monaco Direction des Communications Electroniques |
.mcd | generic | McDonald’s Corporation |
.mcdonalds | generic | McDonald’s Corporation |
.mckinsey | generic | McKinsey Holdings, Inc. |
.md | country-code | MoldData S.E. |
.me | country-code | Government of Montenegro |
.med | generic | Medistry LLC |
.media | generic | Grand Glen, LLC |
.meet | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.melbourne | generic | The Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation |
.meme | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.memorial | generic | Dog Beach, LLC |
.men | generic | Exclusive Registry Limited |
.menu | generic | Wedding TLD2, LLC |
.meo | generic | MEO Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia, S.A. |
.metlife | generic | MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC |
.mf | country-code | Not assigned |
.mg | country-code | NIC-MG (Network Information Center Madagascar) |
.mh | country-code | Office of the Cabinet |
.miami | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.microsoft | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.mil | sponsored | DoD Network Information Center |
.mini | generic | Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft |
.mint | generic | Intuit Administrative Services, Inc. |
.mit | generic | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
.mitsubishi | generic | Mitsubishi Corporation |
.mk | country-code | Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje |
.ml | country-code | Agence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication |
.mlb | generic | MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC |
.mls | generic | The Canadian Real Estate Association |
.mm | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Posts & Telegraphs |
.mma | generic | MMA IARD |
.mn | country-code | Datacom Co., Ltd. |
.mo | country-code | Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) |
.mobi | sponsored | Afilias Technologies Limited dba dotMobi |
.mobile | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.mobily | generic | GreenTech Consultancy Company W.L.L. |
.moda | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.moe | generic | Interlink Co., Ltd. |
.moi | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.mom | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.monash | generic | Monash University |
.money | generic | Outer McCook, LLC |
.monster | generic | Monster Worldwide, Inc. |
.montblanc | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.mopar | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.mormon | generic | IRI Domain Management, LLC ("Applicant") |
.mortgage | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.moscow | generic | Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) |
.moto | generic | Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC |
.motorcycles | generic | DERMotorcycles, LLC |
.mov | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.movie | generic | New Frostbite, LLC |
.movistar | generic | Telefónica S.A. |
.mp | country-code | Saipan Datacom, Inc. |
.mq | country-code | MEDIASERV |
.mr | country-code | Université des Sciences, de Technologie et de Médecine |
.ms | country-code | MNI Networks Ltd. |
.msd | generic | MSD Registry Holdings, Inc. |
.mt | country-code | NIC (Malta) |
.mtn | generic | MTN Dubai Limited |
.mtpc | generic | Retired |
.mtr | generic | MTR Corporation Limited |
.mu | country-code | Internet Direct Ltd |
.museum | sponsored | Museum Domain Management Association |
.mutual | generic | Northwestern Mutual MU TLD Registry, LLC |
.mutuelle | generic | Retired |
.mv | country-code | Dhiraagu Pvt. Ltd. (DHIVEHINET) |
.mw | country-code | Malawi Sustainable Development Network Programme (Malawi SDNP) |
.mx | country-code | NIC-Mexico ITESM - Campus Monterrey |
.my | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.mz | country-code | Centro de Informatica de Universidade Eduardo Mondlane |
.na | country-code | Namibian Network Information Center |
.nab | generic | National Australia Bank Limited |
.nadex | generic | Nadex Domains, Inc |
.nagoya | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.name | generic-restricted | VeriSign Information Services, Inc. |
.nationwide | generic | Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company |
.natura | generic | NATURA COSMÉTICOS S.A. |
.navy | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.nba | generic | NBA REGISTRY, LLC |
.nc | country-code | Office des Postes et Telecommunications |
.ne | country-code | SONITEL |
.nec | generic | NEC Corporation |
.net | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.netflix | generic | Netflix, Inc. |
.network | generic | Trixy Manor, LLC |
.neustar | generic | NeuStar, Inc. |
.new | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.newholland | generic | CNH Industrial N.V. |
.news | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.next | generic | Next plc |
.nextdirect | generic | Next plc |
.nexus | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.nf | country-code | Norfolk Island Data Services |
.nfl | generic | NFL Reg Ops LLC |
.ng | country-code | Nigeria Internet Registration Association |
.ngo | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.nhk | generic | Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) |
.ni | country-code | Universidad Nacional del Ingernieria Centro de Computo |
.nico | generic | DWANGO Co., Ltd. |
.nike | generic | NIKE, Inc. |
.nikon | generic | NIKON CORPORATION |
.ninja | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.nissan | generic | NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. |
.nissay | generic | Nippon Life Insurance Company |
.nl | country-code | SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland) |
.no | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.nokia | generic | Nokia Corporation |
.northwesternmutual | generic | Northwestern Mutual Registry, LLC |
.norton | generic | Symantec Corporation |
.now | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.nowruz | generic | Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. |
.nowtv | generic | Starbucks (HK) Limited |
.np | country-code | Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. |
.nr | country-code | CENPAC NET |
.nra | generic | NRA Holdings Company, INC. |
.nrw | generic | Minds + Machines GmbH |
.nu | country-code | The IUSN Foundation |
.nyc | generic | The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications |
.nz | country-code | InternetNZ |
.obi | generic | OBI Group Holding SE & Co. KGaA |
.observer | generic | Top Level Spectrum, Inc. |
.off | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.office | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.okinawa | generic | BRregistry, Inc. |
.olayan | generic | Crescent Holding GmbH |
.olayangroup | generic | Crescent Holding GmbH |
.oldnavy | generic | The Gap, Inc. |
.ollo | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.om | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.omega | generic | The Swatch Group Ltd |
.one | generic | A/S |
.ong | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.onl | generic | I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland |
.online | generic | DotOnline Inc. |
.onyourside | generic | Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company |
.open | generic | American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. |
.oracle | generic | Oracle Corporation |
.orange | generic | Orange Brand Services Limited |
.org | generic | Public Interest Registry (PIR) |
.organic | generic | Afilias plc |
.orientexpress | generic | Retired |
.origins | generic | The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. |
.osaka | generic | Osaka Registry Co., Ltd. |
.otsuka | generic | Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. |
.ott | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.ovh | generic | OVH SAS |
.pa | country-code | Universidad Tecnologica de Panama |
.page | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.pamperedchef | generic | The Pampered Chef, Ltd. |
.panasonic | generic | Panasonic Corporation |
.panerai | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.paris | generic | City of Paris |
.pars | generic | Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. |
.partners | generic | Magic Glen, LLC |
.parts | generic | Sea Goodbye, LLC |
.party | generic | Blue Sky Registry Limited |
.passagens | generic | Travel Reservations SRL |
.pay | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.pccw | generic | PCCW Enterprises Limited |
.pe | country-code | Red Cientifica Peruana |
.pet | generic | Afilias plc |
.pf | country-code | Gouvernement de la Polynésie française |
.pfizer | generic | Pfizer Inc. |
.pg | country-code | PNG DNS Administration Vice Chancellors Office The Papua New Guinea University of Technology |
.ph | country-code | PH Domain Foundation |
.pharmacy | generic | National Association of Boards of Pharmacy |
.philips | generic | Koninklijke Philips N.V. |
.phone | generic | Dish DBS Corporation |
.photo | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.photography | generic | Sugar Glen, LLC |
.photos | generic | Sea Corner, LLC |
.physio | generic | PhysBiz Pty Ltd |
.piaget | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.pics | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.pictet | generic | Pictet Europe S.A. |
.pictures | generic | Foggy Sky, LLC |
.pid | generic | Top Level Spectrum, Inc. |
.pin | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.ping | generic | Ping Registry Provider, Inc. |
.pink | generic | Afilias plc |
.pioneer | generic | Pioneer Corporation |
.pizza | generic | Foggy Moon, LLC |
.pk | country-code | PKNIC |
.pl | country-code | Research and Academic Computer Network |
.place | generic | Snow Galley, LLC |
.play | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.playstation | generic | Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. |
.plumbing | generic | Spring Tigers, LLC |
.plus | generic | Sugar Mill, LLC |
.pm | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.pn | country-code | Pitcairn Island Administration |
.pnc | generic | PNC Domain Co., LLC |
.pohl | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.poker | generic | Afilias plc |
.politie | generic | Politie Nederland |
.porn | generic | ICM Registry PN LLC |
.post | sponsored | Universal Postal Union |
.pr | country-code | Gauss Research Laboratory Inc. |
.pramerica | generic | Prudential Financial, Inc. |
.praxi | generic | Praxi S.p.A. |
.press | generic | DotPress Inc. |
.prime | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.pro | generic-restricted | Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro |
.prod | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.productions | generic | Magic Birch, LLC |
.prof | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.progressive | generic | Progressive Casualty Insurance Company |
.promo | generic | Afilias plc |
.properties | generic | Big Pass, LLC |
.property | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.protection | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.pru | generic | Prudential Financial, Inc. |
.prudential | generic | Prudential Financial, Inc. |
.ps | country-code | Ministry Of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Government Computer Center. |
.pt | country-code | Associação DNS.PT |
.pub | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.pw | country-code | Micronesia Investment and Development Corporation |
.pwc | generic | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP |
.py | country-code | NIC-PY |
.qa | country-code | Communications Regulatory Authority |
.qpon | generic | dotCOOL, Inc. |
.quebec | generic | PointQuébec Inc |
.quest | generic | Quest ION Limited |
.qvc | generic | QVC, Inc. |
.racing | generic | Premier Registry Limited |
.radio | generic | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) |
.raid | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.re | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.read | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.realestate | generic | dotRealEstate LLC |
.realtor | generic | Real Estate Domains LLC |
.realty | generic | Fegistry, LLC |
.recipes | generic | Grand Island, LLC |
.red | generic | Afilias plc |
.redstone | generic | Redstone Haute Couture Co., Ltd. |
.redumbrella | generic | Travelers TLD, LLC |
.rehab | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.reise | generic | Foggy Way, LLC |
.reisen | generic | New Cypress, LLC |
.reit | generic | National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. |
.reliance | generic | Reliance Industries Limited |
.ren | generic | Beijing Qianxiang Wangjing Technology Development Co., Ltd. |
.rent | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.rentals | generic | Big Hollow,LLC |
.repair | generic | Lone Sunset, LLC |
.report | generic | Binky Glen, LLC |
.republican | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.rest | generic | Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable |
.restaurant | generic | Snow Avenue, LLC |
.review | generic | dot Review Limited |
.reviews | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd. |
.rexroth | generic | Robert Bosch GMBH |
.rich | generic | I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland |
.richardli | generic | Pacific Century Asset Management (HK) Limited |
.ricoh | generic | Ricoh Company, Ltd. |
.rightathome | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.ril | generic | Reliance Industries Limited |
.rio | generic | Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO |
.rip | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.rmit | generic | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology |
.ro | country-code | National Institute for R&D in Informatics |
.rocher | generic | Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. |
.rocks | generic | United TLD Holdco, LTD. |
.rodeo | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.rogers | generic | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. |
.room | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.rs | country-code | Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) |
.rsvp | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ru | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.rugby | generic | World Rugby Strategic Developments Limited |
.ruhr | generic | regiodot GmbH & Co. KG |
.run | generic | Snow Park, LLC |
.rw | country-code | Rwanda Information Communication and Technology Association (RICTA) |
.rwe | generic | RWE AG |
.ryukyu | generic | BRregistry, Inc. |
.sa | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.saarland | generic | dotSaarland GmbH |
.safe | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.safety | generic | Safety Registry Services, LLC. |
.sakura | generic | SAKURA Internet Inc. |
.sale | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.salon | generic | Outer Orchard, LLC |
.samsclub | generic | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
.samsung | generic | SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD |
.sandvik | generic | Sandvik AB |
.sandvikcoromant | generic | Sandvik AB |
.sanofi | generic | Sanofi |
.sap | generic | SAP AG |
.sapo | generic | MEO Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia, S.A. |
.sarl | generic | Delta Orchard, LLC |
.sas | generic | Research IP LLC |
.save | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.saxo | generic | Saxo Bank A/S |
.sb | country-code | Solomon Telekom Company Limited |
.sbi | generic | STATE BANK OF INDIA |
.sc | country-code | VCS Pty Ltd |
.scb | generic | The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited ("SCB") |
.schaeffler | generic | Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG |
.schmidt | generic | SALM S.A.S. |
.scholarships | generic |, LLC |
.school | generic | Little Galley, LLC |
.schule | generic | Outer Moon, LLC |
.schwarz | generic | Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH & Co. KG |
.science | generic | dot Science Limited |
.scjohnson | generic | Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. |
.scor | generic | SCOR SE |
.scot | generic | Dot Scot Registry Limited |
.sd | country-code | Sudan Internet Society |
.se | country-code | The Internet Infrastructure Foundation |
.seat | generic | SEAT, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) |
.secure | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.security | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.seek | generic | Seek Limited |
.select | generic | iSelect Ltd |
.sener | generic | Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A. |
.services | generic | Fox Castle, LLC |
.ses | generic | SES |
.seven | generic | Seven West Media Ltd |
.sew | generic | SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG |
.sex | generic | ICM Registry SX LLC |
.sexy | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.sfr | generic | Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - SFR |
.sg | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.sh | country-code | Government of St. Helena |
.shangrila | generic | Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited |
.sharp | generic | Sharp Corporation |
.shaw | generic | Shaw Cablesystems G.P. |
.shell | generic | Shell Information Technology International Inc |
.shia | generic | Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. |
.shiksha | generic | Afilias plc |
.shoes | generic | Binky Galley, LLC |
.shop | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.shopping | generic | Over Keep, LLC |
.shouji | generic | QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. |
.show | generic | Snow Beach, LLC |
.showtime | generic | CBS Domains Inc. |
.shriram | generic | Shriram Capital Ltd. |
.si | country-code | Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) |
.silk | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.sina | generic | Sina Corporation |
.singles | generic | Fern Madison, LLC |
.site | generic | DotSite Inc. |
.sj | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.sk | country-code | SK-NIC, a.s. |
.ski | generic | STARTING DOT LIMITED |
.skin | generic | L´Oréal |
.sky | generic | Sky International AG |
.skype | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.sl | country-code | Sierratel |
.sling | generic | Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation |
.sm | country-code | Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A. |
.smart | generic | Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART) |
.smile | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.sn | country-code | Universite Cheikh Anta Diop NIC Senegal |
.sncf | generic | SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais) |
.so | country-code | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications |
.soccer | generic | Foggy Shadow, LLC |
.social | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.softbank | generic | SoftBank Group Corp. |
.software | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.sohu | generic | Limited |
.solar | generic | Ruby Town, LLC |
.solutions | generic | Silver Cover, LLC |
.song | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.sony | generic | Sony Corporation |
.soy | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.space | generic | DotSpace Inc. |
.spiegel | generic | SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG |
.spot | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.spreadbetting | generic | DOTSPREADBETTING REGISTRY LTD |
.sr | country-code | Telesur |
.srl | generic | InterNetX Corp. |
.srt | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.ss | country-code | Not assigned |
.st | country-code | Tecnisys |
.stada | generic | STADA Arzneimittel AG |
.staples | generic | Staples, Inc. |
.star | generic | Star India Private Limited |
.starhub | generic | StarHub Limited |
.statebank | generic | STATE BANK OF INDIA |
.statefarm | generic | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company |
.statoil | generic | Statoil ASA |
.stc | generic | Saudi Telecom Company |
.stcgroup | generic | Saudi Telecom Company |
.stockholm | generic | Stockholms kommun |
.storage | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.store | generic | DotStore Inc. |
.stream | generic | dot Stream Limited |
.studio | generic | United TLD Holdco Ltd. |
.style | generic | Binky Moon, LLC |
.su | country-code | Russian Institute for Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS) |
.sucks | generic | Vox Populi Registry Ltd. |
.supplies | generic | Atomic Fields, LLC |
.supply | generic | Half Falls, LLC |
.support | generic | Grand Orchard, LLC |
.surf | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.surgery | generic | Tin Avenue, LLC |
.suzuki | generic | SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION |
.sv | country-code | SVNet |
.swatch | generic | The Swatch Group Ltd |
.swiftcover | generic | Swiftcover Insurance Services Limited |
.swiss | generic | Swiss Confederation |
.sx | country-code | SX Registry SA B.V. |
.sy | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.sydney | generic | State of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet |
.symantec | generic | Symantec Corporation |
.systems | generic | Dash Cypress, LLC |
.sz | country-code | University of Swaziland Department of Computer Science |
.tab | generic | Tabcorp Holdings Limited |
.taipei | generic | Taipei City Government |
.talk | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.taobao | generic | Alibaba Group Holding Limited |
.target | generic | Target Domain Holdings, LLC |
.tatamotors | generic | Tata Motors Ltd |
.tatar | generic | Limited Liability Company "Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic" |
.tattoo | generic | Uniregistry, Corp. |
.tax | generic | Storm Orchard, LLC |
.taxi | generic | Pine Falls, LLC |
.tc | country-code | Melrex TC |
.tci | generic | Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. |
.td | country-code | Société des télécommunications du Tchad (SOTEL TCHAD) |
.tdk | generic | TDK Corporation |
.team | generic | Atomic Lake, LLC |
.tech | generic | Dot Tech LLC |
.technology | generic | Auburn Falls, LLC |
.tel | sponsored | Telnames Ltd. |
.telecity | generic | TelecityGroup International Limited |
.telefonica | generic | Telefónica S.A. |
.temasek | generic | Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited |
.tennis | generic | Cotton Bloom, LLC |
.teva | generic | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited |
.tf | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.tg | country-code | Autorite de Reglementation des secteurs de Postes et de Telecommunications (ART&P) |
.th | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.thd | generic | Home Depot Product Authority, LLC |
.theater | generic | Blue Tigers, LLC |
.theatre | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.tiaa | generic | Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America |
.tickets | generic | Accent Media Limited |
.tienda | generic | Victor Manor, LLC |
.tiffany | generic | Tiffany and Company |
.tips | generic | Corn Willow, LLC |
.tires | generic | Dog Edge, LLC |
.tirol | generic | punkt Tirol GmbH |
.tj | country-code | Information Technology Center |
.tjmaxx | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.tjx | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.tk | country-code | Telecommunication Tokelau Corporation (Teletok) |
.tkmaxx | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.tl | country-code | Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações |
.tm | country-code | TM Domain Registry Ltd |
.tmall | generic | Alibaba Group Holding Limited |
.tn | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d´Internet |
.to | country-code | Government of the Kingdom of Tonga H.R.H. Crown Prince Tupouto´a c/o Consulate of Tonga |
.today | generic | Pearl Woods, LLC |
.tokyo | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.tools | generic | Pioneer North, LLC |
.top | generic | Jiangsu Bangning Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. |
.toray | generic | Toray Industries, Inc. |
.toshiba | generic | TOSHIBA Corporation |
.total | generic | Total SA |
.tours | generic | Sugar Station, LLC |
.town | generic | Koko Moon, LLC |
.toyota | generic | TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION |
.toys | generic | Pioneer Orchard, LLC |
.tp | country-code | Retired |
.tr | country-code | Middle East Technical University Department of Computer Engineering |
.trade | generic | Elite Registry Limited |
.trading | generic | DOTTRADING REGISTRY LTD |
.training | generic | Wild Willow, LLC |
.travel | sponsored | Tralliance Registry Management Company, LLC. |
.travelchannel | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.travelers | generic | Travelers TLD, LLC |
.travelersinsurance | generic | Travelers TLD, LLC |
.trust | generic | Artemis Internet Inc |
.trv | generic | Travelers TLD, LLC |
.tt | country-code | University of the West Indies Faculty of Engineering |
.tube | generic | Latin American Telecom LLC |
.tui | generic | TUI AG |
.tunes | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.tushu | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.tv | country-code | Ministry of Finance and Tourism |
.tw | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.tz | country-code | Tanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC) |
.ua | country-code | Hostmaster Ltd. |
.ubank | generic | National Australia Bank Limited |
.ubs | generic | UBS AG |
.uconnect | generic | FCA US LLC. |
.ug | country-code | Uganda Online Ltd. |
.uk | country-code | Nominet UK |
.um | country-code | Not assigned |
.unicom | generic | China United Network Communications Corporation Limited |
.university | generic | Little Station, LLC |
.uno | generic | Dot Latin LLC |
.uol | generic | UBN INTERNET LTDA. |
.ups | generic | UPS Market Driver, Inc. |
.us | country-code | NeuStar, Inc. |
.uy | country-code | SeCIU - Universidad de la Republica |
.uz | country-code | Computerization and Information Technologies Developing Center UZINFOCOM |
.va | country-code | Holy See - Vatican City State |
.vacations | generic | Atomic Tigers, LLC |
.vana | generic | Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc. |
.vanguard | generic | The Vanguard Group, Inc. |
.vc | country-code | Ministry of Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Industry |
.ve | country-code | Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) |
.vegas | generic | Dot Vegas, Inc. |
.ventures | generic | Binky Lake, LLC |
.verisign | generic | VeriSign, Inc. |
.versicherung | generic | TLD-BOX Registrydienstleistungen GmbH |
.vet | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.vg | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands |
.vi | country-code | Virgin Islands Public Telecommunications System, Inc. |
.viajes | generic | Black Madison, LLC |
.video | generic | United TLD Holdco, Ltd |
.vig | generic | VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe |
.viking | generic | Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd. |
.villas | generic | New Sky, LLC |
.vin | generic | Holly Shadow, LLC |
.vip | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.virgin | generic | Virgin Enterprises Limited |
.visa | generic | Visa Worldwide Pte. Limited |
.vision | generic | Koko Station, LLC |
.vista | generic | Vistaprint Limited |
.vistaprint | generic | Vistaprint Limited |
.viva | generic | Saudi Telecom Company |
.vivo | generic | Telefonica Brasil S.A. |
.vlaanderen | generic | vzw |
.vn | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam |
.vodka | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.volkswagen | generic | Volkswagen Group of America Inc. |
.volvo | generic | Volvo Holding Sverige Aktiebolag |
.vote | generic | Monolith Registry LLC |
.voting | generic | Valuetainment Corp. |
.voto | generic | Monolith Registry LLC |
.voyage | generic | Ruby House, LLC |
.vu | country-code | Telecom Vanuatu Limited |
.vuelos | generic | Travel Reservations SRL |
.wales | generic | Nominet UK |
.walmart | generic | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
.walter | generic | Sandvik AB |
.wang | generic | Zodiac Wang Limited |
.wanggou | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.warman | generic | Weir Group IP Limited |
.watch | generic | Sand Shadow, LLC |
.watches | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.weather | generic | International Business Machines Corporation |
.weatherchannel | generic | International Business Machines Corporation |
.webcam | generic | dot Webcam Limited |
.weber | generic | Saint-Gobain Weber SA |
.website | generic | DotWebsite Inc. |
.wed | generic | Atgron, Inc. |
.wedding | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
generic | Sina Corporation | |
.weir | generic | Weir Group IP Limited |
.wf | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.whoswho | generic | Who´s Who Registry |
.wien | generic | GmbH |
.wiki | generic | Top Level Design, LLC |
.williamhill | generic | William Hill Organization Limited |
.win | generic | First Registry Limited |
.windows | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.wine | generic | June Station, LLC |
.winners | generic | The TJX Companies, Inc. |
.wme | generic | William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC |
.wolterskluwer | generic | Wolters Kluwer N.V. |
.woodside | generic | Woodside Petroleum Limited |
.work | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.works | generic | Little Dynamite, LLC |
.world | generic | Bitter Fields, LLC |
.wow | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.ws | country-code | Government of Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade |
.wtc | generic | World Trade Centers Association, Inc. |
.wtf | generic | Hidden Way, LLC |
.xbox | generic | Microsoft Corporation |
.xerox | generic | Xerox DNHC LLC |
.xfinity | generic | Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC |
.xihuan | generic | QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. |
.xin | generic | Elegant Leader Limited |
.测试 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.कॉम | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.परीक्षा | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.セール | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.佛山 | generic | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. |
.ಭಾರತ | country-code | Not assigned |
.慈善 | generic | Excellent First Limited |
.集团 | generic | Eagle Horizon Limited |
.在线 | generic | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED |
.한국 | country-code | KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) |
.ଭାରତ | country-code | Not assigned |
.大众汽车 | generic | Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd. |
.点看 | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.คอม | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.ভাৰত | country-code | Not assigned |
.ভারত | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.八卦 | generic | Zodiac Gemini Ltd |
.موقع | generic | Suhub Electronic Establishment |
.বাংলা | country-code | Posts and Telecommunications Division |
.公益 | generic | China Organizational Name Administration Center |
.公司 | generic | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center) |
.香格里拉 | generic | Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited |
.网站 | generic | Global Website TLD Asia Limited |
.移动 | generic | Afilias plc |
.我爱你 | generic | Tycoon Treasure Limited |
.москва | generic | Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID) |
.испытание | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.қаз | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.католик | generic | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) |
.онлайн | generic | CORE Association |
.сайт | generic | CORE Association |
.联通 | generic | China United Network Communications Corporation Limited |
.срб | country-code | Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) |
.бг | country-code | Imena.BG AD |
.бел | country-code | Reliable Software, Ltd. |
.קום | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.时尚 | generic | RISE VICTORY LIMITED |
.微博 | generic | Sina Corporation |
.테스트 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.淡马锡 | generic | Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited |
.ファッション | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.орг | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.नेट | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.ストア | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.삼성 | generic | SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD |
.சிங்கப்பூர் | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.商店 | generic | Wild Island, LLC |
.商城 | generic | Zodiac Aquarius Limited |
.дети | generic | The Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet” |
.мкд | country-code | Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje |
.טעסט | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.ею | country-code | EURid vzw/asbl |
.ポイント | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.新闻 | generic | Xinhua News Agency Guangdong Branch 新华通讯社广东分社 |
.工行 | generic | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited |
.家電 | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.كوم | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.中文网 | generic | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED |
.中信 | generic | CITIC Group Corporation |
.中国 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) |
.中國 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) |
.娱乐 | generic | Will Bloom, LLC |
.谷歌 | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.భారత్ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.ලංකා | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.電訊盈科 | generic | PCCW Enterprises Limited |
.购物 | generic | Minds + Machines Group Limited |
.測試 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.クラウド | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.ભારત | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.通販 | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.भारतम् | country-code | Not assigned |
.भारत | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.भारोत | country-code | Not assigned |
.آزمایشی | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.பரிட்சை | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.网店 | generic | Zodiac Taurus Ltd. |
.संगठन | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.网络 | generic | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center) |
.ком | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.укр | country-code | Ukrainian Network Information Centre (UANIC), Inc. |
.香港 | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.诺基亚 | generic | Nokia Corporation |
.食品 | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.δοκιμή | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.飞利浦 | generic | Koninklijke Philips N.V. |
.إختبار | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.台湾 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.台灣 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.手表 | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.手机 | generic | Beijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co., Ltd |
.мон | country-code | Datacom Co.,Ltd |
.الجزائر | country-code | CERIST |
.عمان | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.ارامكو | generic | Aramco Services Company |
.ایران | country-code | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) |
.العليان | generic | Crescent Holding GmbH |
.اتصالات | generic | Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat) |
.امارات | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.بازار | generic | CORE Association |
.پاکستان | country-code | National Telecommunication Corporation |
.الاردن | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.موبايلي | generic | GreenTech Consultancy Company W.L.L. |
.بارت | country-code | Not assigned |
.بھارت | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.المغرب | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.ابوظبي | generic | Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre |
.السعودية | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.ڀارت | country-code | Not assigned |
.كاثوليك | generic | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) |
.سودان | country-code | Sudan Internet Society |
.همراه | generic | Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. |
.عراق | country-code | Communications and Media Commission (CMC) |
.مليسيا | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.澳門 | country-code | Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) |
.닷컴 | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.政府 | generic | Net-Chinese Co., Ltd. |
.شبكة | generic | International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd. |
.بيتك | generic | Kuwait Finance House |
.عرب | generic | League of Arab States |
.გე | country-code | Information Technologies Development Center (ITDC) |
.机构 | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.组织机构 | generic | Public Interest Registry |
.健康 | generic | Stable Tone Limited |
.ไทย | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.سورية | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.рус | generic | Rusnames Limited |
.рф | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.珠宝 | generic | Richemont DNS Inc. |
.تونس | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d´Internet |
.大拿 | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.みんな | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.グーグル | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.ελ | country-code | ICS-FORTH GR |
.世界 | generic | Stable Tone Limited |
.書籍 | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.ഭാരതം | country-code | Not assigned |
.ਭਾਰਤ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.网址 | generic | KNET Co., Ltd |
.닷넷 | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.コム | generic | VeriSign Sarl |
.天主教 | generic | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) |
.游戏 | generic | Spring Fields, LLC |
.vermögensberater | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.vermögensberatung | generic | Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG |
.企业 | generic | Dash McCook, LLC |
.信息 | generic | Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd. |
.嘉里大酒店 | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.嘉里 | generic | Kerry Trading Co. Limited |
.مصر | country-code | National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority - NTRA |
.قطر | country-code | Communications Regulatory Authority |
.广东 | generic | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. |
.இலங்கை | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.இந்தியா | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.հայ | country-code | "Internet Society" Non-governmental Organization |
.新加坡 | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.فلسطين | country-code | Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT) |
.テスト | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.政务 | generic | China Organizational Name Administration Center |
.xperia | generic | Sony Mobile Communications AB |
.xxx | sponsored | ICM Registry LLC |
.xyz | generic | XYZ.COM LLC |
.yachts | generic | DERYachts, LLC |
.yahoo | generic | Yahoo! Domain Services Inc. |
.yamaxun | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.yandex | generic | YANDEX, LLC |
.ye | country-code | TeleYemen |
.yodobashi | generic | YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD. |
.yoga | generic | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited |
.yokohama | generic | GMO Registry, Inc. |
.you | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.youtube | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.yt | country-code | Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.) |
.yun | generic | QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. |
.za | country-code | ZA Domain Name Authority |
.zappos | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.zara | generic | Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.) |
.zero | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |
.zip | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. |
.zippo | generic | Zadco Company |
.zm | country-code | Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) |
.zone | generic | Outer Falls, LLC |
.zuerich | generic | Kanton Zürich (Canton of Zurich) |
.zw | country-code | Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) |
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